MVAs 2001

FM544 and 1378,
Head-on collison,
Both drivers via Careflight
Nov. 25 2001
No. Ballard and Paul Wilson Road, 2 vehicles,
1 transport
Nov. 3, 2001
No. Ballard, Rollover
1 Careflight with head injuries,
1 transport
Oct. 19, 2001
No. Hwy 78 and Brown, 3 vehicles
1 fatality
Other injuries trasnported by ground
Oct. 1, 2001
Intersection at Hwy 78 and Brown
1 extrication
Aug. 8, 2001
Hwy 78 and Westgate
Minor injuries
July 15, 2001
Hwy 78 and Eubanks
3 vehicles involved
Minor injuries with 1 transport
July 4, 2001
Hwy 1378/Brown Cement truck (on side) vs. car
1 extracation
1 by LifeStar

May 11, 2001
Hwy 78 (in front of bait house)
Minor injuries (amazing isn't it?)
May 5, 2001
Hwys 78 and 205
2 vehicles
minor injuries
Feb. 8, 2001
Hwys 78 and 205
2 vehicles
Minor injuries
Feb. 2, 2001

All photos are protected by copyright laws.
Alicia White © 2000, 2001, 2002